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The People's Accountability and Legislative Transparency Act #DoYourJobAct #DYJA

Updated: Jun 11, 2023

Section 1: Titles

This act may be cited as the "People's Accountability and Legislative Transparency Act or #DoYourJobAct of [Year]."

Section 2: Legislative Impact Reports

  • Require all lawmakers, IE members of the Senate and House of Representatives, to prepare and publicly present a detailed Legislative Impact Report for each proposed law they write or co-sponsor.

  • The report should analyze the potential effects of the proposed law on the general public and provide a comprehensive assessment of its anticipated benefits, drawbacks, and potential consequences.

  • Emphasize that elected officials are public servants, and they should begin each report with a disclaimer stating that the power ultimately rests with the people as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Section 3: Transparency in Campaign Financing

  • Mandate that lawmakers disclose any significant donations they receive from dark money or special interest groups.

  • Require lawmakers to provide information about the sources of these donations and the purposes for which they are used.

  • Prohibit contributions that could create conflicts of interest or compromise the integrity of the legislative process.

Section 4: Conflict of Interest Disclosure

  • Require lawmakers to disclose any potential conflicts of interest they have, such as personal investments or affiliations that could influence their legislative decisions.

  • Establish strict guidelines to ensure that lawmakers recuse themselves from participating in debates and voting on legislation where a conflict of interest exists.

Section 5: Retroactive Application

  • Extend the provisions of this law retroactively to all current officeholders, including those in the Senate and House of Representatives.

  • Require the submission of retrospective Legislative Impact Reports for significant laws passed during their tenure in office, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of their legislative performance.

Section 6: Accessibility and Education

  • Ensure that all Legislative Impact Reports, campaign finance disclosures, and conflict of interest declarations are made readily accessible to the public, including students, through easily navigable online platforms and public libraries.

  • Encourage educational institutions to incorporate these reports into their curricula, empowering students to understand the legislative process and hold lawmakers accountable.

Section 7: Transparency in Legislative Process

  • Prohibit the use of omnibus bills, which combine multiple unrelated provisions, to enhance transparency and facilitate focused analysis and public scrutiny of individual proposals.

  • Encourage the drafting and consideration of standalone bills that address specific issues, promoting accountability and a more thorough legislative process.

Section 8: Implementation and Enforcement

  • Assign the responsibility for overseeing the implementation and enforcement of this law to an appropriate federal agency or department.

  • Develop guidelines, procedures, and penalties for non-compliance or violation of the disclosure requirements.

Section 9: Effective Date

  • Determine the effective date of the law upon passage, allowing a reasonable timeframe for lawmakers to adapt to the new requirements and comply with the provisions.

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